Zoom Party Strategies for Successful Kid Birthdays in Quarantine
Throwing a party for your kid during COVID-19? Check out these ways to empower the birthday kid, play interactive games, and make lemonade out of the lemons!
Throwing a party for your kid during COVID-19? Check out these ways to empower the birthday kid, play interactive games, and make lemonade out of the lemons!
Fun ways to “play school” for kids stuck at home! Empathy and cognition boosting games.
Watch this perfect parody for Coronavirus Times: “Part of Your World: A Teacher in Quarantine.” Get inspired to make art and grateful to our kids’ classroom teachers!
Some inspired play-based tips on writing from an education consultant!
Here are some games that help kids get out big sounds! Between songs, gibberish and silliness they’l be able to release energy and emotion, especially during this highly charged time.
Kids stay connected, and teachers bring the joy, during online classes. Even during a pandemic, we find solidarity and keep making theater together!
Playing with a puppet is more than just fun and games. Watch Child’s Play NY teachers use puppets to get kids communicating about emotions and using empathy. This is an essential tool in the parenting arsenal to help manage behavior and get in touch with our children’s rich emotional lives. Happy puppeteering!
Maximize the playing on your next road trip with these tried and true games for backseat fun! Enjoy some quality screen-free family time and help kids process emotion and tell stories. These theater games are road tested for your vacation pleasure!
If you are hankering to talk to your kids about the big stuff, or help them process emotions, then you should play Taxi! This classic theater game is adaptable for all ages and provides kids with a safe and sweet space to share feelings with you. Use it to bond with your kids when you have a little down-time and know that they are also benefitting from the social-emotional learning (SEL) and Executive Function work-out that this game gives them. Watch the video to learn about the benefits and the ways to play.
It’s hard just to get through the requirements of parenting, let alone find time on top of that to play. However, here is the tip: inject stories into the mundane parenting tasks and you’ll get what you need to get done quicker, and bond with your kid in the process.
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