Help Kids During Coronavirus Times, Make Noise
Here are some games that help kids get out big sounds! Between songs, gibberish and silliness they’l be able to release energy and emotion, especially during this highly charged time.
Here are some games that help kids get out big sounds! Between songs, gibberish and silliness they’l be able to release energy and emotion, especially during this highly charged time.
Kids stay connected, and teachers bring the joy, during online classes. Even during a pandemic, we find solidarity and keep making theater together!
Animal games are an awesome gateway to dramatic play. Here’s a blueprint for play that will help kids – and adults – venture into imagination with a Roar!
This awesome theater games does double-duty as a living room staple! You can play this during transitional time when you are looking to avoid screens and capitalize on imagination! Watch classroom teaching artists play “What are you doing?” do get inspired for your own playtime!
Playing with a puppet is more than just fun and games. Watch Child’s Play NY teachers use puppets to get kids communicating about emotions and using empathy. This is an essential tool in the parenting arsenal to help manage behavior and get in touch with our children’s rich emotional lives. Happy puppeteering!
Emotions Charades is a super fun and incredibly potent tool to help support EQ and empathy in our kids. Use these tips from our theater classrooms to inspire your games and learn about other playful ways that help kids come to terms with their emotions. In these highly charged times we live in, kids need support in identifying and expressing their feelings…let’s do it through play!
The thrilling ways that actors use creative movement can translate to your home or classroom for inspired indoor play. Help kids get “into character” through physical and robust playing that nurtures empathy along the way too! If you are a theater or classroom teacher these build up your ensemble and inspire brave choices. Build in some of these games as a way to release energy and recharge after the school day. Set these games in motion and then empower your kids to keep the playing going without you!
Maximize the playing on your next road trip with these tried and true games for backseat fun! Enjoy some quality screen-free family time and help kids process emotion and tell stories. These theater games are road tested for your vacation pleasure!
Make a Treasure Hunt with your kids for awesome rainy-day play. Beyond just a game, this boosts essential executive function skills and is a fabulous way to work on reading.
This simple and silly theater game supports your child’s brain development and creates new neural pathways that build positivity and help them crave bonding! Beyond boosting IQ, this game is pure pleasure to play and can be that parent hack that you need for everything from picky eaters to tricky sleepers. Enjoy setting up your silly store!
Certain images and/or photos on this page are credited to Patrick Fleury, Hunter Canning, and Aubrey Hardwick.